A company's image is critical to its development. A corporate image means the overall impression of an enterprise that has been built by people via various types of logos and it is the core of the construction of corporate culture. Therefore, to promote the cultural construction of a company, it is required to put time and efforts around the corporate image with an endeavor to enhance the company's overall image.
Winshare Thermal always pays close attention to the cultural construction of our company and keeps strengthening our company image. Recently, to further enhance our company image, we carried out a comprehensive task of replacing the uniforms for our employees with a newly designed one. As of the date of Dec. 31st, we have completed the replacement of uniforms for all of our employees and each of them has a uniform that fits him/her well.

The brand new uniform is classified into two categories which include the production line uniform and the office clerk uniform, both of which have long sleeves in a winter dress. The production line uniform has a principal color of deep blue and the design is practical with a good taste. The material is thick and abrasion-resistant and stain-resistant and thus very suitable for the employees in the production workshop. The office clerk uniform is mainly in creamy-white. The design is prudent and decent and the material is thick as well. It matches with lots of dress codes and is especially suitable for office clerks. It shows a good taste when wearing it to visit customers or host customers. All of our employees already wear the new uniforms and it forms a beautiful landscape in the Winshare Thermal Industrial Park when they are shuttling between our workshops, office areas, restaurant, and dormitory.
As an excellent representative among heat sink manufacturers, Winshare Thermal not only increases our investment in our technologies, techniques, and product developments, but also pushing for our cultural constructions. We are strengthening the construction of our brand, enhancing company and employee images, organizing employee for training, re-constructing our company image website, and unifying the formats of our outward or inward documents. Just like the slogan proposed by our General Manager, Zhou, Zi-Yong, "We make people at Winshare Thermal feel proud!" To realize this goal, Winshare Thermal still has a very long way to go and we also need the joint devotion from each of our employees. (Editor of extruded heat sinks)