Strengthening the trades between countries is helpful for promoting the development of global economy. However, the trades between countries often lead to trade frictions. In this article, the editors would like to give our interpretation of the news regarding the EU's antidumping of China's aluminum extruded heat sinks.
The editors learned from the China Trade Remedy Information that, the European Union Committee announced in Feb 15th, 2017 that, the antidumping measures for the aluminum heat sinks produced in China will expire in Nov. 10th, 2017. This means the export of China's heat sinks products to EU will resume.

This decision can be traced back to Aug. 12th, 2011 when the European Union Committee filed a case for antidumping investigation of China's aluminum heat sinks per the application by the International Association of Aluminum Radiator Manufacturers Limited LiabilityConsortium. The EU's combined HS codes of the involved products are ex76169910, ex76151910, ex76151990, and ex76169990. In May 11th, 2012, EU made an affirmative preliminary ruling of antidumping for China's aluminum heat sinks and ruled that a provisional antidumping duty of 12.6%-61.4% should be levied on the involved products. In Nov. 9th, 2012, the EU made a final ruling of antidumping for China's aluminum heat sinks and ruled that an antidumping duty of 12.6%-61.4% should be levied on the involved products.
With its expiration in Nov. 10th, 2017, the editors are paying attention to the development of this event whether the EU will have any new actions. If there is no new ruling as a barrier, China can resume exporting heat sinks to the EU. As the techniques related to aluminum heat sinks are getting mature in China, the heat sinks manufactured by China will become more competitive.